Vmaxpro VBT Tracker

Vmaxpro VBT Tracker



Vmaxpro has rebranded to Enode. Click HERE to buy Enode VBT products.

Program, perform, adapt. This new option for Velocity Based Training (VBT) and barbell path tracking provides valuable, load-based data, including speed in all phases of a lift. The wireless sensor captures motion in three dimensions, with an accelerometer delivering key metrics such as power, velocity, distance, and duration. The system measures common lifts—clean, jerk, snatch, deadlift, squat, jump squat, and bench press—with the capacity to assess other motions and exercises as well, limited only by the imagination of the coach. The Vmaxpro is portable, durable, and intuitive.

Apps are available for iOS, device must run iOS 14.5 or higher, optimal performance with iOS 15.0 or higher. iOS device needs to be less than 4 years old.

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