Keiser A300 Seated Calf Model 2936

Keiser A300 Seated Calf Model 2936


The A300 Seat­ed Calf workout machine was orig­i­nal­ly designed for world record hold­ers Willie Banks (triple jump) and Mike Pow­ell (long jump). It features unilateral movement to help develop balanced explosive lower-leg power. The machine auto­mat­i­cal­ly pre-loads and adjusts for leg length. Unlike con­ven­tion­al machines that use iron, the A300 Seat­ed Calf workout machine’s inertia design gives you a smooth resis­tance. The result is a work­out unlike any­thing else on the market.


Low­er risk of injury. Pain-free range of motion.
Achieve your train­ing goals faster
Train at any speed — unlike con­ven­tion­al equipment
Unmatched ver­sa­til­i­ty to achieve any goal
For More Information Download: Keiser A300 Seated Calf Brochure
SKU: KE-A300Calf Categories: ,