Keiser A300 Belt Squat Model 1550

Keiser A300 Belt Squat Model 1550



Build explo­sive hip and leg strength with up to 800 pounds of resis­tance with­out addi­tion­al stress on your shoul­ders and spinal col­umn. The A300 Belt Squat is espe­cial­ly ben­e­fi­cial for taller peo­ple because it elim­i­nates col­umn load­ing of the spine. Piv­ot­ing han­dles accom­mo­date exer­cis­ers from 48” to 7’ tall. The wide base and option­al dead­lift bar allow for mul­ti­ple train­ing possibilities.


  • Perform different squat movements with the accessories kit
  • No shoulder or spine loading
  • Up to 800 lbs / 363 kg of resistance at the push of a button
  • New wider base offering diverse programming opportunities and training at optimal speed
  • Pivoting handles to accommodate users of all heights (including 7 ft / 2.1 m)
  • Large digital displays with resistance and counted repetitions
  • Smooth Keiser Dynamic Variable Resistance

For more information download: Keiser A300 Belt Squat Brochure

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